Itinerary for the evening
Dates & Times
November 2025 (4 shows available)
Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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December 2025 (6 shows available)
Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Super Early Bird Booking Prices Now + Group Booking Discount |
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Check Out Our FAQs
Want to know more about when balances are due, or menus? Check out our FAQs below
Christmas Party Nights - FAQs
- 6.30pm – Doors Open – Happy Hour At The Bar (Discounted Drinks Deals)
- 7.30pm – Last Entry For ‘Dinner & Show Tickets
- 8.30pm – Pre-show entertainment commences (DJ / Vocalist on Stage / Table Entertainment)
- 8.45pm to 9.15pm – Party Platters Served To The Tables
- 9.30pm – Show Commences
- 11.30pm – After Show Party Begins until late
All ticket holders will be allowed access to the venue from the door opening times.
If you’ve paid a deposit, we will require the full balance on or by the 15th November 2025.
We will send a reminder nearer the time. Any balances not paid by 15th November will result in your booking unfortunately being cancelled
Once a deposit is paid, all monies paid for a booking are non-refundable.
You can add people to your booking any time up to your visit (depending on seat availability)
However removing people from your booking will result in the deposit/balance being lost for each person removed from the booking.
We also cannot exchange lost deposits/bookings for credit or bar vouchers.
All tickets include a reserved/guaranteed seat at a table, with each ticket type having a seats in a section of the room. Due to different party sizes at Christmas, we cannot guarantee specific seats – but we prioritise the best seating for bookings made earlier.
Our layout is flexible – so we will join tables together for larger parties so you can celebrate together wherever possible
Provisional reservations (Seating Reservations/Holds) without a deposit can be taken – but they will automatically be released after 14 days.
We will only guarantee/hold a booking with payment of a non-refundable deposit of £5 per person (show only), £10 (platter & show) or £15pp (dinner & show) to confirm your booking.
Yes. You can ‘lock in’ the early bird price by paying a deposit.
The price which is applicable at the time of confirming your booking with a deposit, will determine the balance when due.
- Super Early Bird Prices available until 30th April 2025
- Early Bird Prices available until 30th June 2025
So deposits paid before 30th April 2025 will confirm ‘Super Early Bird’ prices, and deposit paid between 1st May and 30th June 2025 will confirm ‘Early Bird’ prices for your party.
This will only apply to tickets confirmed with a deposit. Any further tickets added on will be charged at the price advertised at the time (so if tickets are added on after 30th June 2025 – the full price will be paid without any early bird discount)
- Dinner & Show = £47.95 / Early bird price = £42.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £37.95
- Platter & Show = £37.95 / Early bird price = £32.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £27.95
- Show Tickets = £25.95 / Early Bird Price = £20.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £15.95
- Dinner & Show = £49.95 / Early bird price = £44.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £38.95
- Platter & Show = £39.95 / Early bird price = £34.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £28.95
- Show Tickets = £27.95 / Early Bird Price = £22.95 / Super Early Bird Price = £17.95
- Super Early Bird Prices available until 30th April 2025
- Early Bird Prices available until 30th June 2025
Yes, we have simplified our group booking discount for 2025.
1 Free Ticket for every 10 tickets booked.
So if you book 10 places, you pay for 9, if you book 20 places, you pay for 18.
As a thank you for arranging the big Christmas Do, we’ll give you free 2 show tickets for any Viva show before 15th November 2025 (or after 1st January 2026) to come and see a Viva show of your choice.
Can be redeemed on payment of deposits for a booking of over 10 people or more. Only 1 redemption (2 tickets) per booking.
Excludes Bottomless Brunches, private events or any ticket inclusive of food/drink
Any alterations to bookings must come from the party organiser / booking contact. We cannot accept booking alterations by anyone other than the designated booking contact.
This is to ensure all changes are authorised correctly, and that bookings cannot be altered by anyone who may or may not be attending your party night.
You can pay for your party in instalments. Provided the balance has been paid by the due date (15th November 2025), you can make regular payments towards your final balance.
If you have booked ‘Dinner & Show tickets – meal choices are required more than 5 working days in advance.
If meal choices are not received, then a default menu of Soup / Turkey / Cheesecake will be served to your party
Yes we will do our best to accommodate dietary requirements
We must be notified of any allergies in advance of your visit (when submitting menu choices)
For bookings/balances – we accept cash, credit/debit card (including Amex) and cheques.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Viva Blackpool Group Limited’ – Cheques cannot be accepted any later than 14 days prior to your party night.
For payment at the bars on the night, we accept cash, credit / debit card.
We do not have a locals card ticket discount for this show, however locals card holders can enjoy discounts on food/drink purchases made at the venue on the night (15% off)
We may run discount for blue light / key workers on specific nights.
Please contact us for more details – [email protected]
Exclusive use of the venue, a private party room and custom party options are also available. [email protected]
We have a VIP room adjacent to the show room, which can be used as a private space in the daytime, or before/after the show.
Perhaps you’d like to organize a staff awards event, or just have a place to celebrate privately before taking your seats for the show.
Contact us for options on our VIP spaces.
Included in the ‘Dinner & Show’ ticket is:-
- A delicious 3 course Festive Dinner
- Reserved seats in the front section of the room (closest to the stage)
Dinner & Show tickets are limited to just 150 tickets per party night – to help us ensure the best levels of service.
We recommend securing ‘Dinner & Show’ places early to avoid disappointment. Confirm places with a £15pp deposit.
Arrival for dinner is between 6.30 and 7.30pm (Last diners must arrive by 7.30pm) giving you plenty of time to get ready and join us.
Our 2025 menu will be finalised in May this year (allowing us to fully cost and adapt to seasonal variations/ ingredients availability)
An example menu is as follows however:-
To Start
Main Course
Included in the ‘Party & Show’ ticket is:-
- Amazing buffet platters served to your table to graze/share before the show.
- Reserved seats in the front section of the room (closest to the stage)
Your platters will be served to your table between 8.45pm and 9.15pm – just before the show starts at 9.30pm.
Party Platter & Show tickets are limited to just 200 tickets per party night – to help us ensure the best levels of service.
We recommend securing ‘Party Platter & Show’ places early to avoid disappointment. Confirm places with a £10pp deposit.
Our 2025 menu will be finalised in May this year (allowing us to fully cost and adapt to seasonal variations/ ingredients availability)
An example menu for our party platter is as follows:-
We may be able to accommodate mixed parties / ticket types depending on availability.
So we could potentially add ‘Show Only’ tickets to a ‘Dinner & Show’ booking, or have some members of your party enjoy ‘Platter & Show’ and ‘Dinner & Show’ by accommodating on adjacent tables.
We’ll do our best to accommodate mixed party types where possible.
Please contact us for more details – [email protected]
We will also be running a Festive Snacks menu on the night – however we will only be taking orders from our snack menu after 9.30pm until 11.30pm.
Ticket holders will be sent a tickets via email once deposits are taken, and/or tickets will be resent once the full balance has been paid for the booking.
- An SMS link to tickets will also be sent, along with access to our pre-order platform – offering discounted drinks and packages for your visit.
Once the full balance has been paid, tickets will be reissued with confirmed ‘full balance’ tickets.
Tickets can be shared with others via our online portal (link sent to you via email / SMS) – and they can pre-order their own drinks via this portal.